No limit, Just me - Skirt

¥38,400 JPY
Made-to-order: estimate shipping timing September 30. Introducing our exquisite linen skirt, featuring the signature hemline that perfectly complements our No Limit, Just Me - Top.


Episode 1

Episode 1

Episode 3

Episode 3

Episode 2

Episode 2

These episodes are a reflection of my personal emotions and experiences, capturing the moments of life I think we all, more or less encounter. I'm sorry that if you resonate with these episodes because it means you probably have been through some stuff. But again, who doesn't. I'm so honored and happy that you are here with us today. Thank you for being here. Sending you lots of love. From RISA


Episode 1

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 3

These episodes are a reflection of my personal emotions and experiences, capturing the moments of life I think we all, more or less encounter. I'm sorry that if you resonate with these episodes because it means you probably have been through some stuff. But again, who doesn't. I'm so honored and happy that you are here with us today. Thank you for being here. Sending you lots of love. From RISA